What’s in your water?
UCMR-5 Update
Risk of potential exposure
Very low exposure to some PFAS chemicals has been linked to cancer, thyroid disease, weakened childhood immunity and many other health problems.
EWG guideline for PFAS0.001 ppb
California Office guideline for PFOA0.007 ppb
ppb = Parts per billion
The Environmental Protection Agency in August 2023 released a set of public water system testing data for the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, as required by its Fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule, or UCMR5. The EPA released the following results.
States affected
Utilities affected
Key findings
Researchers have found the levels of PFAS in drinking water and rain water in every part of the world, even some of the most remote areas, exceeded the EPA's contamination guidelines.
More than 200 million Americans are estimated to be exposed to “Forever Chemicals” known as PFAS in their drinking water based on EWG research.
EWG recommends a health guideline of 1 part per trillion, or ppt – equivalent to 0.001 part per billion, or ppb – for limiting PFAS in drinking water. California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment in 2021 drafted a public health goal for PFOA (a specific type of PFAS) of no more than 0.007 ppt in drinking water. EWG also recommends this health guideline for this specific PFAS. The stricter limit – compared to the 1 ppt guideline for other PFAS – is based on studies that show increased kidney cancer risk in humans associated with exposure to PFOA.
Learn moreYou should know
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOs) are manufactured chemicals in various everyday products. Though PFOs are a type of PFA, they are both known as "forever chemicals" because the time it takes for them to break down in the environment is very, very long. PFAs can make their way into the human body through contaminated water sources and food, leeching through packaging and products like cookware and waterproof clothing.
When people have high levels of PFAs in their bodies, they are susceptible to kidney, breast, and testicular cancers. Plus, PFAs have been linked to immune and cardiovascular system damage, thyroid disease, higher cholesterol levels, low birth weight, developmental issues, endocrine disruption, and fertility issues.
When people have high levels of PFAs in their bodies, they are susceptible to kidney, breast, and testicular cancers. Plus, PFAs have been linked to immune and cardiovascular system damage, thyroid disease, higher cholesterol levels, low birth weight, developmental issues, endocrine disruption, and fertility issues.
Learn more about PFAS here.
Health concerns
Research studies show that even at low levels, exposure to PFAS may result in serious adverse health effects, including suppression of the immune system, cancer, endocrine disruption, accelerated puberty, liver damage and thyroid changes.
PFAS are persistent in the environment, including contaminated water supplies, and they are known as “forever chemicals” because thy accumulate in our bodies.
What’s in your water?